Enjoy the benefits of Infrared Sauna.

Infrared heat therapy improves muscle endurance and recovery, reduces chronic pain and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, helps to lower blood pressure, improves circulation and blood flow, and boosts mood.

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Improve Heart Function

Evidence shows that the use of infrared sauna helps can help normalize blood pressure and cholesterol levels, treating congestive heart failure, and helping with chronic pain. This means an infrared sauna is a great way to help prevent high blood pressure and improve heart health.

Helps Lower Chronic Pain

Infrared heat treatment can help reverse chronic pain with little to no side effects. Research suggests regular IR treatments are well tolerated and can decrease pain symptoms and stiffness in the body. It’s also been shown to decrease fatigue leading to a significant short-term beneficial effect on the body.

Lowers Side Effects of Diabetes

Studies show that IR use is associated with improved quality of life in people with type II diabetes. Even when compared to other lifestyle interventions. People with diabetes often suffer from complications such as chronic fatigue syndrome, pain, depression, congestive heart failure and other heart problems, but sauna treatment seems to improve pain threshold and contribute to overall well-being.

Improved Well-Being

For many years, people suffering from chronic pains have used thermal heating treatments to find relief. Studies have found that regular and repeated thermal therapies are good methods for lowering chronic pain that can interfere with your quality of life without the need for medications.

The Path to Wellness

People around the world have fallen in love with infrared sauna. Learn to relax and enjoy the benefits of IR heat treatment.

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At Massage Eden we make your comfort our top priority. Start today!

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