Dear our lovely clients,
We hope that everyone is doing well and keeping safe. We finally have a light at the end of the tunnel with the announcement of no new covid-19 cases in the last few days. This should mean we’ll be stepping down to level two come next week. At level two we’ll be able to open our doors again to all you lovely clients!
Mother’s Day Vouchers
With the fast approach of Mother’s Day, as well as the end of lockdown. We will be running a special promotion on gift vouchers for mums. They’ll all be valid for 12 months so that can give mum something to look forward to once business resumes as normal.
The vouchers are as follows:
- $55 for a $75 Value Voucher
- $100 for a $125 Value Voucher
- $150 for a $185 Value Voucher
- $200 for a $250 Value Voucher
These vouchers can be redeemed on all of our services and retail products.
Keep Safe
Once again, we hope everyone is keeping safe and looking forward to Level 2. See you all very soon. Look forward to our announcement regarding recommencing business soon.
Much love to you all,
Jenny and The Massage Eden team.